Tuesday, January 22, 2013

300 Million Year Old Machinery Found In Russia, Experts Say Aluminum Gear Not The Result Of Natural Forces, May Be Extraterrestrial!!!!!!!!!!!!

Photo credit: en.wikipedia.org

The Voice of Russia and other Russian sources are reporting that a 300 million year old piece of aluminum machinery has been found in Vladivostok. Experts say a gear rail appears to be manufactured and not the result of natural forces. 

According to Yulia Zamanskaya, when a resident of Vladivostok was lighting the fire during a cold winter evening, he found a rail-shaped metal detail which was pressed in one of the pieces of coal that the man used to heat his home. Mesmerized by his discovery, the responsible citizen decided to seek help from the scientists of Primorye region. After the metal object was studied by the leading experts the man was shocked to learn about the assumed age of his discovery. The metal detail was supposedly 300 million years old and yet the scientists suggest that it was not created by nature but was rather manufactured by someone. The question of who might have made an aluminum gear in the dawn of time remains unanswered.
The find was very much like a toothed metal rail, created artificially. It was like parts are often used in microscopes, various technical and electronic devices says writer Natalia Ostrowski at KP UA Daily.

Credit: joy4mind

Nowadays, finding a strange artifact in coal is a relatively frequent occurrence. The first discovery of this sort was made in 1851 when the workers in one of the Massachusetts mines extracted a zinc silver-incrusted vase from a block of unmined coal which dated all the way back to the Cambrian era which was approximately 500 million years ago. Sixty one years later, American scientists from Oklahoma discovered an iron pot which was pressed into a piece of coal aged 312 million years old. Then, in 1974, an aluminum assembly part of unknown origin was found in a sandstone quarry in Romania. Reminiscent of a hammer or a support leg of a spacecraft “Apollo”, the piece dated back to the Jurassic era and could not have been manufactured by a human. All of these discoveries not only puzzled the experts but also undermined the most fundamental doctrines of modern science.

The metal detail which was recently found by Vladivostok resident is yet another discovery which perplexed the scientists. The coal in which the metal object was pressed was delivered to Primorye from Chernogorodskiy mines of Khakasia region. Knowing that the coal deposits of this region date 300 million years back, Russian experts inferred that the metal detail found in these deposits must be an age-mate of the coal.

Photo by: Valery Brier.
Photo by: Valery Brier. 

Another question that interests Russian scientists is whether the aluminum alloy is of Earthly origin. It is known from the study of meteorites that there exists extra-terrestrial aluminum-26 which subsequently breaks down to magnesium-26. The presence of 2 percent of magnesium in the alloy might well point to the alien origin of the aluminum detail. It could also be evidence of some past, unknown civilization on Earth. Nonetheless, further testing is needed to confirm this hypothesis.

It is the first such finding in coal made in Russia, according to anomaly researcher and biologist Valery Brier, who took microscopic samples of the aluminum for testing.  Valery Brier performed X-ray diffraction analysis of the metal. It showed very pure aluminum with microimpurities of magnesium of only 2 - 4 percent.  Analysis was also conducted by Senior Fellow of the St. Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics Igor Okunev who confirmed the age of the material according to Natalia Ostrovsky
 The find is very much like a toothed metal rail, created artificially. It was like parts that are often used in microscopes, as well as various technical and electronic devices.
While exploring core samples (rock samples) that were raised from a 9-meter depth during the drilling of the seabed to support the bridge on a Russian island near Cape Nazimova,  strange metal alloys were discovered that were "preserved" in the prehistoric sandstone (age - 240 million years old).  The  pieces of special alloys had an unusual composition and were clearly not used in the drilling machinery. The alloys, said Brier, were artificial and constructed by intelligent beings.  
Reconstruction of the item found near Cape Nazimova

Credit:  Natalia Ostrovsky
 Not so long ago in Russia a mechanical device was found in volcanic rock which was dated 400 million years before the current era (B.C.E)
It was found on the remote Kamchatka Peninsula, 150 miles from the village of Tigil, by archaeologists at the University of St. Petersburg among found strange fossils. The reliability of the finds has been certified. According to archaeologist Yuri Golubev the find amazed experts as it was some sort of a machine.
The most ancient vase on Earth was discovered in 1851 in Massachusetts when blasting in the quarry. It is a silver-zinc vase inlaid with fine silver in the form of the vine. The age of this vase, according to the the rock in which it was found, is 534 million years old

Photos: www.lah.ru

Another strange artefact that was found in coal is the iron pot shown below. It was found in 1912 in Oklahoma in a piece of coal with an estimated age of 312 million years. 

Photos: www.lah.ru

In Romania in 1974, in sandstone quarry of not less than 1 million years old was found aluminum parts, reminiscent of a hammer or a support leg landing spacecraft "Viking" and "Apollo".

Photos: www.lah.ru

Bigfoot or animals? Strange sounds coming from swamp on Umatilla Indian Reservation (listen)

The eerie late-night serenades began in November and emanate from a brushy swamp on the Umatilla Indian Reservation east of Pendleton. The cries range from high-pitched screams to basso profundo roars.
"It's causing an uproar around here," said Sylvia Minthorn, who lives in a tribal housing unit near the swamp, where she used to play as a child.
She's seen grown men's hair stand on end when the shrieks commence.
Colleen Chance, a tribal housing authority employee, keeps a recording of the howls on her iPhone.
"It's kind of spooky," she said. "Some say it's foxes, some say it's a female coyote and some say it's Sasquatch. I don't know what it is."
Or download MP3 here.
So far no one's pinpointed the source of the noise on this rugged 178,000-acre reservation that extends into northeastern Oregon's Blue Mountains and is home to about 1,500 people. The swamp in question borders the old reservation community of Mission, in a canyon north of the Wildhorse Resort and Casino
Phone calls about the wails started coming in last month to the housing authority, and the office has had a half dozen so far. More could come in because the cries are continuing from time to time.
Some tenants of the reservation's 190 rentals and 32 homes admitted being afraid and one man reported that his dogs were too terrified to go outside, said Josh Franken, the housing authority's interim director.
"This guy was rather scared himself," Franken said. A rumor quickly spread that the cries were made by "a young Bigfoot that had got separated from the rest of his clan," he said.
It's difficult to shrug off the accounts, said Marcus Luke, a housing authority homeownership counselor. Many on the reservation "are woodsy-type folks," familiar with animals and not prone to taking fright at nighttime commotion, he said.
umatillanoise2.JPG View full size Daughter and mother Sylvia and Denise Minthorn have both heard the strange nighttime cries coming from the brushy wetland behind them. Denise thinks whatever is in the swamp is calling to another creature elsewhere on the 178,000-acre Umatilla Indian Reservation.  
Some members of the Confederated Umatilla, Walla Walla and Cayuse tribes believe the noises come from Bigfoot, the mythical manlike creature said to roam Pacific Northwest forests. Bigfoot is part of the tribal culture, tradition and spiritual beliefs, said Luke, a follower of the Washat, or Seven Drums religion, and a longhouse drummer and singer.
"We have stories about it," he said.
Bigfoot lore
To Bigfoot hunters, the Blue Mountains of Oregon and Washington around the Umatilla Indian Reservation have been a hot spot since a Walla Walla cyclist named Pete Luther found 19-inch-long bare footprints in 1966 along Tiger Canyon Road, east of Walla Walla on the Oregon-Washington border and just north of the reservation.
The Blues' celebrity for giant, hairy hominids even survived the 2002 death of 84-year-old prankster Ray L. Wallace of Centralia, Wash. Wallace's family revealed after his funeral that he'd gleefully used strap-on wooden feet to make tracks around the West since 1958. Wallace was, they said, the source of the Northwest's Bigfoot tales.
Carl Sheeler, wildlife program manager for the tribes, said several animals in this corner of Oregon are known for making strange noises, including cougars. "When they are breeding, it is absolutely hair-raising," he said. "And the first time a person hears a fox calling in the night, kind of echoing around the canyons, it raises the hair on the back of your neck," Sheeler said. "That wetland is a perfect place to have an echoing call sound eerie."
But many who've heard the racket dismiss such notions. "Foxes do sound creepy," said Sylvia Minthorn. "But it's not the same sound, not even close."
Her mother, Denise Minthorn, believes more than one creature is out there in the darkness. She's heard shrieks from two directions at once, as if two animals were communicating.
"It was no noise I've ever heard before," she said. "It was like barroom brawls and laughter."
Armand Minthorn, Sylvia Minthorn's uncle and a tribal spiritual leader, said he may have stumbled onto evidence of Bigfoot's presence while hunting in the Blue Mountains many years ago.
"Right in the middle of the road was this great big footprint," perhaps 16 or 18 inches long and manlike, he said. The enormous stride carried it across the road, leaving one footprint in the middle, he said.
Nevertheless, he said, the current shrieks could be anything.
"We probably will never know what made those sounds," he said.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Unseen Beast Brutally Killing Dogs in Missouri Town!

Mysterious animal viciously attacking dogs in MissouriSince Thanksgiving, residents of Neosho, Missouri have been living in fear of a mysterious beast stalking their forest and viciously attacking their pets. The attacks have so far claimed the lives of two dogs, and the community has banded together to hire professional trackers over fears that the next set of incidents may happen to them.
Reta Liles is the owner of two dogs that have been attacked, one more fortunate than the other. Her golden lab, Buddy, was found dead, while her dog Punk’n survived with a set of ferocious battle wounds.
“Two slashes across her back, and in some places, it’s two inches deep,” Reta told the KSN Local News. ”It was bad. She was laid open from side to side.”
So far, at least 8 canine companions from the Mint Lane neighborhood have been the victims of the unexplained attacks, and it hasn’t just been the smaller breeds with the nasty run ins. Larger, more powerful dogs like pit bulls and mastiffs have been found wounded as well, prompting concern that whatever is behind the attacks is big, mean, and very scary.
“This thing needs to be relocated or eradicated or something. I don’t want to see any of my kids or my neighbors get tore up,” Reta said.
Leanna Williams, Reta Liles neighbor and the president of the Faithful Friends Animal Advocates, went so far as to write a piece for the Neosha Daily News about the creature.
My neighbor (and friend) had called me to say her Puggle, Punk’n, had been seriously injured with deep lacerations, across her back that started at her rib cage on one side and went all the way to her belly on the other side, as if something had tried to open her up like a can opener. [...]
This animal seems to attack for “sport.” It does not drag off or eat whatever it attacks but just leaves it to die. We are concerned about letting our dogs (or family members) spend time outdoors, especially at night, although these attacks have been at all times of day. When our family and grandchildren were here for the holidays, all were uneasy about going out and for good reason. Some neighbors have small children (smaller than these dogs), and are concerned about allowing their children outside to play until we know this thing is gone.
An up-close shot of the deep slashes on Punk'n's back
An up-close shot of the deep slashes on Punk’n's back
So far, whatever creature is to blame has not yet been seen, and the local game commission has stated that they won’t step in until visual evidence of the beast is presented to them, believing that the animal in question could be a coyote. Residents, however, don’t agree.
“Thought it was a mountain lion because of the depth of the tracks and so forth,” Liles said.
The community had banded together to install a few game cameras in hopes of capturing photographic evidence of the beast once and for all.