1) The following diagrams were drafted by Army Captain Richard T. Holder, Up-Range Commander of White Sands Proving Grounds, along with FBI agent, Arthur Byrnes, Jr., from the Albuquerque office. This is the famous UFO landing incident witnessed by Officer Lonnie Zamora and what these diagrams prove is that despite the military's efforts to play down the fact that Officer Zamora saw two small occupants in white jump suits standing next to the landed UFO, the military knew early on that there was physical evidence to substantiate the contrary but privately kept that to themselves. I personally scanned these documents from the National Archives in July of this year.
Click on image to view larger.
2) Headlines of Socorro New Mexico UFO landing
3) Document discussing a possible, "Top Secret" meeting about Socorro case
4) Landing site photograph from USAF files showing burnt brush from propulsion.
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