WHAT WAS REPORTED: Brazel, his wife Maggie (Margaret), age 45, son Vernon, age 8, and daughter Betty (Bessie Brazel Schreiber), age 14 accompanied him to the debris field and gathered up as much of the scattered material as they could carry.
WHAT WENT UNREPORTED: Brazel lived on the ranch alone. None of his family lived on the ranch at all --- which had no phone, running water, or electricity --- but actually lived over one hundred miles away in the little town of Tularosa, near Alamogordo. (more)
W. W. Brazel, 48, Lincoln county rancher living 30 miles south of Corona, today told his story of finding what the army at first described as a flying disk, but the publicity which attended his find caused him to add that if he ever found anything else short of a bomb, he sure wasn't going to say anything about it. Brazel was brought here late yesterday by W. E. Whitmore, of radio station KGFL, had his picture taken and gave an interview to the Record and Jason Kellahin, sent here from the Albuquerque bureau of the Associated Press to cover the story. The picture he posed for was sent out over AP telephoto wire sending machine specially set up in the Record office by R. D. Adair, AP wire chief sent here from Albuquerque for the sole purpose of getting out his picture and that of sheriff George Wilcox, to whom Brazel originally gave the information of his find. Brazel related that on June 14 he and an 8-year old son, Vernon, were about 7 or 8 miles from the ranch house of the J. B. Foster ranch, which he operates, when they came upon a large area of bright wreckage made up on rubber strips, tinfoil, a rather tough paper and sticks. At the time Brazel was in a hurry to get his round made and he did not pay much attention to it. But he did remark about what he had seen and on July 4 he, his wife, Vernon and a daughter, Betty, age 14, went back to the spot and gathered up quite a bit of the debris. The next day he first heard about the flying disks, and he wondered if what he had found might be the remnants of one of these. Monday he came to town to sell some wool and while here he went to see sheriff George Wilcox and "whispered kinda confidential like" that he might have found a flying disk. Wilcox got in touch with the Roswell Army Air Field and Maj. Jesse A. Marcel and a man in plain clothes accompanied him home, where they picked up the rest of the pieces of the "disk" and went to his home to try to reconstruct it. According to Brazel they simply could not reconstruct it at all. They tried to make a kite out of it, but could not do that and could not find any way to put it back together so that it could fit. Then Major Marcel brought it to Roswell and that was the last he heard of it until the story broke that he had found a flying disk. Brazel said that he did not see it fall from the sky and did not see it before it was torn up, so he did not know the size or shape it might have been, but he thought it might have been about as large as a table top. The balloon which held it up, if that was how it worked, must have been about 12 feet long, he felt, measuring the distance by the size of the room in which he sat. The rubber was smoky gray in color and scattered over an area about 200 yards in diameter. When the debris was gathered up the tinfoil, paper, tape, and sticks made a bundle about three feet long and 7 or 8 inches thick, while the rubber made a bundle about 18 or 20 inches long and about 8 inches thick. In all, he estimated, the entire lot would have weighed maybe five pounds. There was no sign of any metal in the area which might have been used for an engine and no sign of any propellers of any kind, although at least one paper fin had been glued onto some of the tinfoil. There were no words to be found anywhere on the instrument, although there were letters on some of the parts. Considerable scotch tape and some tape with flowers printed upon it had been used in the construction. No strings or wire were to be found but there were some eyelets in the paper to indicate that some sort of attachment may have been used. Brazel said that he had previously found two weather observation balloons on the ranch, but that what he found this time did not in any way resemble either of these. "I am sure that what I found was not any weather observation balloon," he said. "But if I find anything else besides a bomb they are going to have a hard time getting me to say anything about it."
NOTE: Please notice how different the information is and how much it had been changed from what was reported the day before, Tuesday, July 8, 1947, in the SAME local daily newspaper, the Roswell Daily Record. Notice as well how even more out of sync the information is compared to what has come down to the public throughout the years from such sources as Roswell Incident: Updated ---filled with insights by someone who was there --- as well as coming down to us from a continuing list of others who were there, including but not limited to a cadre of strong witnesses followed up by reporters and investigators in the same or similar mold as famed UFOlogist Thomas J. Carey treading in the the early footsteps of radio broadcaster Frank Edwards. The most startling change though, is the original date that Brazel --- who is refered to in the article only as an unidentified rancher --- came upon the scattered debris and how flimsy he reported the material to be and how little of it there was.
Before EITHER of the July 8th or July 9th "news" articles were published in the Daily Record it was known Brazel, who basically lived in a ramshackle ranch house eight miles from his nearest neighbor and had no telephone, electricity or running water, was picked up from his ranch and taken to the house of the owner of the local Roswell radio station, KGFL, to be interviewed. A wire recording of the interview was made, but because KGFL had signed off for the day the station planned to broadcast it the next morning. Before it could be used Brazel was taken into custody by members of the military police and his exclusive interview confiscated. The Federal Communications Commission (reported to have been through the office of T.J. Slowie, secretary of the Commission, but never admitted to by himself or confirmed by the Commission) warned station personnel that the matter involved national security and should KGFL air any portion of his interview, or issue any information regarding it, they would lose their broadcasting license. Sometime later Brazel showed up at KGFL escorted by military officers, where he then told the "truth" about the debris found on his ranch. Brazel refuted his initial story, claiming now, after being taken into custody and while STILL under custody, that he first found the debris MID-JUNE, 1947 and NOT on the morning of Saturday, July 5, 1947, and that it was simply a weather balloon.
NOTE: The problem with the earlier mid-June date for being the first time finding the debris rather than the later July 5th date is that Tommy Tyree, a ranch-hand that worked on and off for Brazel AFTER the crash, is on record as saying that Brazel complained to him regularly over and over --- and to others as well it has been reported --- how the day he found the material scattered all over the ranch he had been forced to circle his sheep a mile or more around the area to water because they refused to cross the debris field. It doesn't make sense, nor is it likely given the average temperature in Corona is 87 degrees and rising in June, that Brazel would leave material scattered all over his ranch from mid-June to early July that frightened his fully wool-covered sheep so much they wouldn't even go to water on their own, but had to be physically driven just to get a drink. Not only would he be highly remiss in his duties, he would also be putting his livelihood as well as the sheep's lives in danger.
Continuing, in the second paragraph of the newspaper article above, dated Wednesday, July 9, 1947 the following is presented:
Brazel was brought here late yesterday by W. E. Whitmore, of radio station KGFL, had his picture taken and gave an interview to the Record and Jason Kellahin, sent here from the Albuquerque bureau of the Associated Press to cover the story.
In that the article was published in the Wednesday paper, Brazel being brought "here late yesterday" (i.e., the KGFL radio station) translates into him being brought to the station late afternoon or early evening on Tuesday, July 8th. However, unlike how it is written in the paper, he was actually picked up from his ranch not on Tuesday but late afternoon or early evening of Monday, July 7th and taken to the house of the owner of KGFL for the interview. What the article does is simply ignore the Monday afternoon interview (when the wire recording was made, then confiscated) as being non-existant and jumps to the interview of the next day where Brazel showed up at at the station escorted by military officers and then told the "truth" about what he had either found or saw on his ranch. He also claimed that it was on Friday morning, July 4, 1947 --- by all accounts BEFORE the object came down except for, of course, his surrogate response that was being reported NOW at the time in the above article --- that he, his wife Maggie (Margaret), age 45, son Vernon, age 8, and daughter Betty (Bessie Brazel Schreiber), age 14 --- none of whom lived on the ranch at all, but who actually lived over one hundred miles away in the little town of Tularosa, near Alamogordo --- accompanied him to the debris field and gathered up as much of the scattered material as they could carry. The article goes on to say Brazel heard about flying disks for the first time on the next day, Saturday, then only on MONDAY after letting all day Sunday slip by, did he go into Roswell to sell some wool or possibly sell, trade or buy a new truck, taking a few pieces of debris with him to show to the sheriff. Regardless of the above published July 9th accounting, or re-accounting as the case may be, it was NOT on Friday, July 4th, but ON the morning of the NEXT day, Saturday, July 5th, and WITHOUT his family --- but accompanied instead by the son of neighbors, William D. (sometimes Timothy) "Dee" Proctor, age seven --- that Brazel came across the debris for the first time. It is known Brazel went into the town of Corona sometime Saturday afternoon to do some shopping and, not unusual for him, stopped by the only watering hole in town, Wade's Bar and pool hall --- possibly for a cold beer, BS with his uncle (sometimes brother-in-law) Hollis Wilson and fellow ranchers to get caught up on local gossip. There he overheard or was told the topic de jur about the recent flying saucer sightings in the Pacific Northwest and more recently in Arizona. A few days before a man and his son (actually nephew, (see)) on the way through town stopped to get some water for an overheated truck and tighten or replace a broken or loose fanbelt. While waiting for the truck to cool down, with some time to spare, the two sat in the shade drinking a couple of iced cold sodas. In the process a local merchant or rancher stopped by to see if he could help. He took-up conversation with the man and in a general, small talk sort of way, asked where they were headed and how the trip was going. The man said he and the boy had visited Elden Pueblo where a rare meteorite had been buried by prehistoric Native Americans in a ritual style then to Meteor Crater and were now on their way to Fort Sumner to visit the gravesite of Billy the Kid. Somehow the topic veered away from meteors and meteorites to the flying saucers that had been sighted the week before in Washington state. The man, who had basically been in the backcountry for the past few weeks, said it was the first he had heard of such things. Then taking a stick, he began drawing a nearly circular figure in the dirt. Pointing to the finished rendition he related that he and the boy had been run off the road "by two of the damn things" near Williams, Arizona just a couple of days before. (see)

After overhearing or participating in the stories about the Washington state event and the much closer, even more recent dual sighting reported near Williams being discussed on and off between ranchers, ranch hands, and fellow bar patrons most of the afternoon Saturday, July 5th, the very next morning, Sunday, July 6th, Brazel gets up early, completes his chores, and then drives the seventy-five miles into the little town of Roswell. He stops at the office of Sheriff Wilcox, showing him some of the scraps he gathered including pieces of the soon-to-be-called, albeit yet unnamed, Memory Foil and telling him about the debris field. Now, some people say IF Brazel went into town to sell wool or possibly his truck he would not have done so on a Sunday since in those days everything was closed on Sundays. His son, William "Bill" Brazel, is quoted as saying his father NEVER sold wool in Roswell in the first place, Sunday or not. Instead of selling wool the son is quoted as saying he believed his dad's original intention was to go into Roswell to buy a NEW Jeep pickup truck --- this about a man who was known never to have "two nickels to rub together" and with no authorized Jeep dealership in town. Jeep did not start marketing a pickup truck until 1947. Any version of same would have to be "new," that is, there would be no used ones, hence the requirement for a dealership. What most people don't realize, say for example a reporter that earns their living through the constant reoccurring needs of a daily newspaper or a writer that has a never-ending need to meet publisher deadlines all on certain days or dates, is that for a farmer or rancher, especially an isolated one such as Brazel, everyday is pretty much the same. Stock has to be tended to, fences checked, water maintained...after a while the days just sort of blend together, so a long Fourth of July weekend or if it was a Sunday or not wouldn't mean much. Besides, one way or the other, Brazel knew the sheriff's office would be open. Thus said, after seeing the material and listening to Brazel's story the sheriff made the decision to contact authorities at the Air Field. Jesse Marcel, Air Intelligence Officer for the Roswell Army Air Field and Captain Sheridan Cavitt, senior Counter-Intelligence officer assigned to the base, spent their time squeezing out as much as they could of what was left of the day Sunday, July 6th and all day Monday the 7th on the ranch criss-crossing the property looking for additional debris and any details of another crash site. They stayed overnight Sunday night bunking-down in the "Hines" house, an old ranch house near the debris field, and reportedly had cold pork-and-beans and crackers for supper. Shortly after nightfall on Monday July 7th after spending the day picking up debris they headed back to Roswell.

HINES HOUSE, FOSTER RANCH, CIRCA 1947(please click image)
Neither Marcel or Cavitt ever made mention of Brazel's wife and/or children being anywhere on the ranch during the two days they were there. Nor did the KGFL people that picked up Brazel see any indication of wife or kids or any concern on Brazel's part if he was leaving them for who knows how long. The Sunday night meal of cold beans and crackers may have been OK for a couple of GIs sleeping on an old ranch house floor, but hardly seems fitting for a family and kids --- especially since Brazel had just been in Corona shopping. As for Brazel, no sooner had he arrived in Roswell on Sunday than the sheriff dispatched two deputies back to the ranch to get a better handle on Brazel's story. With the limited time they were there, which was not much more than a quick turnaround because some reports say members of the military arrived on the scene just after they arrived and escorted them off the property --- although the timing for such is questionable --- they reported they found the ranch deserted, not even a sign of animals. There is some indication the sheriff may have sent TWO different sets of deputies at TWO different times, with only the second set interacting with the military. It is also possible that the report of two deputies being dispatched to the ranch may have meant that the two deputies were not sent together at the same time, but solo, one at a time on two separate trips. One may have went out alone and came back, then another sent out. It makes more sense that way because the Roswell sheriffs department probably did not have an excess of personel, and especially so on a Sunday. In any case, solo or in two sets or not, the deputies did not make it to the debris field proper for whatever reason. However, the sheriff was told that in the time they had to survey the area that from a distance they observed what looked to be a burned or dark area to the ground-cover of one of the pastures and it appeared to be 200 or so yards across. They made no mention of seeing any members of Brazel's family nor did Brazel ask about them or show any concern over them when the deputies reported the ranch was deserted or when the military took him into custody. On Thursday, July 10th, Brazel's son Bill, living in Albuquerque at the time, learned about his father's situation from the the morning paper and decided to go to the ranch. When he arrived at the property, not realizing his father was in custody, he also found no one there.
The above July 9th news article reports that the debris was scattered over an area about 200 yards in diameter. It also goes on to say:
When the debris was gathered up the tinfoil, paper, tape, and sticks made a bundle about three feet long and 7 or 8 inches thick, while the rubber made a bundle about 18 or 20 inches long and about 8 inches thick. In all, he estimated, the entire lot would have weighed maybe five pounds.
However, very much in contrast to the newspaper article, The Roswell Incident: Updated reports:
The debris field is three-quarters of a mile long and two to three hundred feet wide. A gouge starting at the northern end of it extends to four or five hundred feet toward the other end. It looks as if something touched down and skipped along. The largest piece of debris recovered (reportedly about 4 feet long by 3 feet wide by 1 foot thick and "as light as a feather"), taken to the shed by Brazel previously, was found at the southern end of the gouge.
The Roswell Incident: Updated continues by saying Marcel and Cavitt were there the rest of the day Sunday, July 6th. During the day Sunday, in addition to collecting debris, they are said to have walked the perimeter of the field and then ranged out looking for more details of another crash site, but found nothing. They spent Sunday night on the ranch and the next day, Monday, July 7th, they devoted to collecting MORE debris. Late in the afternoon they loaded the back seat and trunk of Marcel's 1942 Buick convertible and then the Dodge-jeep carryall driven by Cavitt. Shortly after nightfall as darkness closed in they began the trip back to Roswell.

Over a two day period, the effort and time spent by both Marcel and Cavitt hardly indicates that the "entire lot" of debris "weighed maybe five pounds" at the most (i.e., "they loaded the back seat and trunk of Marcel's 1942 Buick convertible and then the Dodge-jeep carryall"), nor the ground covered collecting debris only 200 yards in diameter (i.e., "The debris field is three-quarters of a mile long and two to three hundred feet wide. A gouge starting at the northern end of it extends to four or five hundred feet toward the other end."). The following regarding the debris field and the gouge is found in Roswell I-Beam Hieroglyphs and presented without comment:
Since the time of my first and second visit it has been brought to my attention over and over that a lot of changes occurred in and around the various sites during that two month period. Changes it is said that included restructuring and transformation of the landscape, removal and replacement of plants and foliage, and possibly even the intimidation of potential eyewitnesses. Now, while it is true that as a post-event witness on the first visit with my uncle within days of the impact, like I say above, I did not join him in going to EVERY site. On my SECOND visit, in relation to the suspected crash, other than some broken tree limbs and a few scorched plants here and there pointed out by my uncle as well as being shown some glass-like fused sand that could have been anything --- but that somehow bore some significance with various members of the party I was with --- as much as I wish I could say that I did, I personally never saw anything that looked like gouged out earth, crash skid marks, or LARGE pieces of debris that could have come from or caused by a downed craft, Earth-based or otherwise. The point should be made though, as a ten year old boy, I don't think my cognizant ability or magnitude of experience was such that I would know or could substantiate any given level of landscape transformation or modification even if I saw it.
Additional confirmation regarding the potential reworking of the landscape comes from The Roswell Incident: Updated:
Retracing several miles in both directions of the suspected trejectory, both in the air and on the ground, in an effort to confirm their conclusions, they (i.e., Dr. Lincoln La Paz, the bio-searcher and other members of the research team) discover a previously unknown and unspoiled touchdown point five miles from the debris field where the sand has somehow been crystallized. The plants and scrub brush growing along the periphery of the glass-like sand and gravel are not so much burnt or scorched as they are more-or-less trying to return to a natural growth stage after being severely wilted, apparently from whatever crystallized the sand two months earlier. As well, the top portion of the sand and gravel in a definite north-south orientation in the major width between the scrub brush seems to give off a very slight, practically non-observable blue hue in the bright sunlight. The hue is caused by what appears to be a transparent turquoise-like patina, almost as though a fine veneer or micro-thin spray had fallen over the top surface of the sand. The bio-searcher, after visiting the archaeologist site and finding a fairly well executed attempt at returning it to its natural state, is convinced, in spite of that attempt to camouflage the damage, something with some weight to it or at least speed, and apparently large enough to break limbs in a fairly wide track --- as well as being hot enough to scorch the trees and foilage, angled through a top portion of the forest and down into the open area surrounding the boulders, ending up against the rocks, but is not convinced it necessarily means the object was extraterrestrial. No physical evidence such as metal pieces or scraps attributable to the object was found anywhere near or around the site nor was there any sign of the pale blue patina on the soil as observed previously at the fused-glass site.
Even though there was an apparent major attempt by the military and/or other possible authorities to rework, modify, or cover up the landscape by obscuring any signs that something may had crashed at the ranch --- a cover up pretty much attested to three months after the incident by famed meteorite hunter Dr. Lincoln La Paz --- AND, even though at eye-level initially, to most observers, all appeared normal, such was not the case after a year of so of weathering. In so saying, because of short-term ground collapse the gouge on the ranch was reported to have been visible for at least a few years after 1947 by several eye-witnesses, including Mac Brazel's son Bill and then Lt. Colonel and now retired Gen. Arthur Exon who flew over the site in 1949. Although not common knowledge, it has been hinted at in some circles that sometime post-1949, when it became apparent that the intitial reworking of the debris field by mostly untrained and amatuer military personnel (read, GIs) was not holding at the level anticipated, that a secret, small, and very specialized scientific landscape geologic rebuilding team was brought in to counterfeit and encompass a much wider area in order to withstand almost any later post pre-crash type scrutiny --- or at least render any outcome inconclusive. The debris field as well as the main impact site (see below) was known to the authorities. The fused-glass site was not. It is interesting to note that there was NO sign of any blue patina seen, reported, or associated with the two known and possibly reworked sites. However, the blue patina at the undisturbed fused-glass site, albeit subltle because of its nature, was quite apparent.
The debris field at the Brazel ranch, although the most well known, was NOT the main impact site. The main body of the craft, dropping rapidly and then leveling off having either lost power or disabled in some fashion, and not able to change speed, direction, or climb sufficiently, all the while traveling hundreds of miles per hour, crossed over the Brazel ranch and basically flat desert terrain toward the mountains to the south. Failing in an effort to gain sufficient altitude to clear the crest of the oncoming mountains, the object slammed into the short rough upslope with a forced reduction of speed through the trees and dirt, eventually sliding sideways to a hard stop against the rocks and boulders on the north side of the Capitan Mountains --- some thirty-five miles south-southeast of the Brazel ranch debris field. That hard-impact site which is much different than the light material debris field, is called by a variety of names depending on who the author is or who is reporting on it, pro or con, but most commonly known as the Archaeologist Site and sometimes the Pine Lodge Road Impact Site. In any case, it is located near the now infamous split rock in the Capitan Mountains west of Roswell. See:
An archaeologist William Curry Holden, then a professor at Texas Tech University, and known to work archaeology sites around the general Roswell area, while on a field study, was camping overnight with students when they saw the object come down. The next morning they went looking for it and stumbled across the object nearly sideways and fully positioned against the rocks, describing it as looking like a crashed airplane without wings with a flat fuselage in more of a delta or wedge shape than circular. The second of the so-called Roswell Archaeologists, a little known fringe amateur rock hound and Pothunter known throughout the desert southwest as Cactus Jack, but whose real name was William Lawrence Campbell, is also sometimes associated with the same impact site. Holden never really discussed any role he may of had in the incident and it was well into his later years before he was ever actually inteviewed on the subject. Holden's daughter, Jane Holden Kelley, is on record as saying that at the time interviews were being conducted, because of his age, her father was easily confused. Memories from his life were jumbled and reordered, and, even though she and her dad were close, he had never mentioned anything to her about the incident. However, there was a secondary confirmation of Holden's activities from an extremely credible source. In December, 1947, barely six months after the crash, a scientist friend of Holden's, a vertebra paleontologist by the name of C. Bertrand Schultz, a Professor of Geology and Paleontology at the University of Nebraska, presented at the 46th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association held December 28-31, in Albuquerque. Holden attended the conference and the two of them met up. According to ROSWELL ARCHAEOLOGISTS: The Dirt Before The Dig, at the conference, Schultz told Holden he tried to meet him over the long Fourth of July weekend earlier that year. Schultz had been told Holden was going to be at a site near Ruidoso. Since he was on his way TO Nebraska and had the time, he thought he would go through Ruidoso to see what Holden was up to. There he was told Holden had taken a group of students on a field study near Roswell. Unable to find him he continued on to another site being worked by another colleague, William Pearce located south of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Along the way he observed a series of military cordons blocking all the side roads on the western side of the highway as he headed north out of Roswell. However, since his eventual destination was Nebraska, he wasn't excessively over concerned about roads being blocked toward the west one way or the other. At the most, even though it just happened that weekend, not knowing anything about the Roswell Incident at the time, he attributed the military presence to no more than an exercise of some type. Only in retrospect did any of it take on any meaning. Did Holden reveal to Schultz the nature of what he saw in the mountains that morning near Roswell during the conference in Albuquerque in 1947? Conjecture would indicate the answer is yes in that it was Schultz that brought Holden to the public's attention initially.
About Dee Proctor. William D. "Dee" Proctor died of a heart attack on January 22, 2006. He was the youngest participant in the Roswell series of events, and managed to avoid every attempt at being interviewed, ending up being the only known first-hand witness at the Roswell crash site who never spoke publicly about the incident. However, many years following the crash-down, said to be sometime in 1994, his mother Loretta Proctor, then somewhere around or nearing her 80s or so (born in 1914 and still alive in 2010 at age 96), became extremely ill with a life-threatening blood clot in her neck. Her son, said by many to be highly reclusive, took her --- even though she was quite sick --- for the first time ever to a remote location 2.5 miles east-southeast overlooking the whole of the old debris field. There he told his mother, which she has since reported back, that Mac Brazel had found "something else." Loretta Proctor eventually recovered from her illness, but has never elaborated on what that "something else" was. The question now is IF William D. "Dee" Proctor was NOT with Brazel that morning, what was it that he knew so much about PERSONALLY that would impel him to risk the health of his own mother to embark on such a trek? To tell her about a mere weather balloon and a few scraps of tinfoil or string that had already been reported hardly seems enough. Loretta Proctor, who previously had always been fairly open regarding the Roswell Incident, will now not volunteer anything. Dee Proctor, as always had been the case, remained quiet on the issues right up till his death.
Interesting as well, on July 10th, 1947, La Paz, who had thousands and thousands of hours of scientific time observing celestial objects, reported seeing a huge eliptical-shaped object flying in the sky near Fort Sumner, New Mexico, while driving by car with his wife and children. He saw a luminous unknown object sort of oscillating beneath the clouds. Its brightness was stronger than the planet Jupiter and its shape regular and elliptical. The nature of this object was unknown to the astronomer.
In a Life Magazine article dated April 7, 1952 La Paz is quoted as saying: 'The object "..exhibited a sort of wobbling motion" and then disappeared behind some clouds. It reappeared and "projected against the dark clouds gave the strongest impression of self-luminosity." The object then moved slowly from south to north and two and a half minutes behind a cloudbank. According to La Paz's calculations, confirmed by his wife, the object was huge, as large or larger than the infamous "Battle of Los Angeles" object as presented in UFO Over Los Angeles seen by thousands in February, 1942, being some 235 feet long and 100 feet thick. La Paz estimated the object's horizontal speed between 120 and 180 miles per hour and its vertical rise between 600 and 900 miles per hour. (NOTE: according to reports as cited in the above link, the Los Angeles UFO was, however, thought to be closer to 800 feet in length).
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