Friday, October 5, 2012

Crop Circle in Tlapanaloya, Tequixquiac, Mexico

“We must say that we never found a broken stem.
The oats were only bent, but alive, something
that caught the farmer's attention.”
- Crop Formation Investigator for Tercer Milenio

Pattern in oat field 198 feet in diameter discovered on Sunday morning,
September 23, 2012, in Tlapanaloya, Tequixquiac, Mexico,
north of Mexico City. Image © 2012 by Tercer Milenio.

Upper red circle is Tlapanaloya, Tequixquiac,in the
State of Mexico, north of Mexico City (bottom red circle).
On Sunday morning, September 23, 2012, a
198-foot-diameter pattern in oats was found.

October 2, 2012  Tlapanaloya, Tequixquiac, Mexico
- Last week Jaime Maussan, a well known Mexico City TV reporter and producer of Tercer Melnio, called me about the report of a crop formation at least 180 feet in diameter in oats north of Mexico City. He emailed me a ground photograph taken by an investigator for Tercer Milenio, who arrived several hours after the pattern was first found on Sunday morning, September 23, 2012. There is an outer circle of sixteen small triangles around the perimeter narrow ring that point towards the central pattern that can be seen more clearly in the aerials below.

Oat Pattern 198 Feet Diameter (60.20 Meters)
Spanish-to-English translation by Yohanan Díaz Vargas
“We must say that we never found a broken stem.
The oats were only bent, but alive, something
that caught the farmer's attention.”
- Crop Formation Investigator for Tercer Milenio
Translator Yohanan Díaz Vargas emailed me that the center circle measured
10.20 meters (33.46 feet). Extending out from the central circle on a north to south
axis are two "axes," which are each 24 meters wide (79 feet). On the east and west sides
of the center circle are smaller circles that measure 7.60 meters (25 feet) and 6.50 meters
(21 feet). A 1-meter-wide ring surrounds the pattern with a diameter of about 51 meters
(167 feet). The ring is encircled by "16 perfectly distributed triangles" pointing toward
the center circle. Each triangle base measured 3.10 meters (10 feet) and each
triangle height measured 4.70 meters (15 feet).
A few days later, Jaime flew over the pattern to photograph, but by then many people had made trails through the oats damaging the formation. Jaime was told that there were no trails leading into the formation on September 23rd. To this date, more than 7,000 people have visited the oat pattern, causing damage and many paths from the air that were not there on September 23rd when the formation was first discovered.

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